Blog QOMPLX Ideas: The Provenance of Data-Driven Decision-making What happens when the data feeding the algorithms is inaccurate, outdated or of low quality? In this blog post, QOMPLX CEO Jason Crabtree explains why more attention must be paid to the provenance of data on which decisions are made.
Blog Report: How Active Directory Attacks Went Mainstream Sophisticated attacks on Active Directory were considered 'artisan' level hacks. Today, they're business as usual. What happened? Our new report tells a story 30 years in the making.
Blog QOMPLX Recognized as a Top AI Startup for 2020 IT news and information publication, Enterprise Management 360, names QOMPLX one of its top 10 AI startups to watch.
Blog US Case Against China Underscores Similarities Between Equifax and Earlier Hacks The U.S. Department of Justice case against four Chinese nationals for a cyber attack on Equifax laid bare how public- and private sector organizations are struggling to learn the lessons of previous data breaches and cyber attacks.
Blog Data-Centric Cybersecurity Starts with Authentication Securing authentication is a critical first step to achieving data-centric cyber security, QOMPLX CEO Jason Crabtree tells Forbes.
Blog An Open Letter To CEOs: Don't Neglect Authentication -- It Will Cost You Authentication assurance must be a core element of every modern security program-avoid falling victim to cyber attacks. A Forbes reprint article.