• Sep 29, 2020

Insurance Day: Machine Learning Will Transform Specialty Lines Underwriting

Insurance Day: Machine Learning Will Transform Specialty Lines Underwriting

QOMPLX Insurance President and GM, Alastair Speare-Cole talks to Insurance Day about the use of machine learning to transform the underwriting process.  It comes down to the sophistication of the human-machine interaction that is enabled by advanced underlying technology.

Speare-Cole says that “With good machine learning, the system will start saying ’the last five times I made one of these referrals to a human underwriter, the decision was this or that and and therefore this is the appropriate action under these circumstances.’ As the machine learning or AI gets more sophisticated - and the machine gets it right - the referral rules will change."

Learn more about QOMPLX, its state-of-the-art technology, and how the company is creating their own successful use cases demonstrating that the machine learning is a game-changer within the insurance industry.  

The article can be found here.

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