• Cyber
  • Jun 24, 2020

Jason Crabtree Interviewed by SafetyDetectives

Jason Crabtree Interviewed by SafetyDetectives

Jason Crabtree, QOMPLX CEO and co-founder, was interviewed by SafetyDetectives. He discussed the origins of QOMPLX, what QOMPLX does, the direction cybersecurity is headed, and the impact of COVID-19 on cybersecurity.


Active Directory is ubiquitous in modern organizations: the most common identity platform across both the public and private sectors. But Active Directory security is a massive challenge, and one that’s often ignored.

That is the problem that Jason Crabtree and Andrew Sellers set out to solve, according to a recent interview Jason did with the site SafetyDetectives.

According to the interview, the idea for QOMPLX came to them while they were in the military, where Crabtree was in the Army Cyber Command, and Sellers did IT architecture work for the Air Force. "There were numerous opportunities to avoid major negative events via superior defensive tools and processes which we felt were not being addressed adequately,” Crabtree said. Failing to find the tools they needed on the market, the only solution was to go and build what they wanted.

QOMPLX’s toolkit is perfectly aligned with the direction Crabtree believes the future of cybersecurity is headed. “The first core assumption in enterprise security of any type, regardless if you’re a big organization, or small organization, is that authentication is valid. Everything else depends on it,” says Crabtree.

Crabtree said the need for proper cybersecurity for this fundamental control has only been highlighted by the COVID-19 crisis, which accelerated the interconnectivity between home and the workplace, and amplified the risks.

You can read ‘Interview with Jason Crabree – QOMPLX’ here

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