• #cyber overview news
  • Apr 30, 2018

New Yorker Magazine: CEO Jason Crabtree on Attacker Evasion Techniques

New Yorker Magazine: CEO Jason Crabtree on Attacker Evasion Techniques

QOMPLX CEO Jason Crabtree was quoted in a recent article in The New Yorker magazine that explores the controversial use of cyber offensive measures by organizations that have been the victim of sophisticated, nation-backed cyber adversaries.

The article, The Digital Vigilantes who Hack Back, by Nicholas Schmidle appears in the May 7, 2018 edition of the magazine. The article explores the fuzzy world of "hack back" operations in which organizations menaced by cyber criminals opt to "defend forward" - laying traps for hackers and using technical means to track and identify them. The practice creates a number of complications and blurs the lines between cyber defense and criminal trespass and hacking.

Jason is quoted referring to the difficult of attribution in cyber attacks, noting that cyber criminals often take great pains to disguise their origins.

“The more that someone wants to prevent attribution, the more time they’ll invest in making it difficult to know where the attack came from.” - Jason Crabtree, CEO QOMPLX

A sophisticated hacker, Jason said, might hop as many as thirty times before unleashing an attack.

Read the complete article here: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/05/07/the-digital-vigilantes-who-hack-back

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